You travel from a far distant land to
experience the wonders of Australia.
Now your in Brisbane Backpacker Hostel Somewhere to Stay, and in Brisbane, Love is in the air. The mornings are cool and beautiful, at Brisbane backpacker Somewhere to Stay every morning you awake to love birds chirping in our gardens, numerous wildlife rustles in our tropical settings. No matter where you are in Brisbane Backpackers Hostel Somewhere to Stay, the hallways, the verandas, the balconies, the kitchen the pool, the common room you meet and befriend young people from every corner of the world.
One lovely Lady backpacker or one strapping Mr backpacker takes your fancy, what do you do, what do you do!!
Your too shy to go straight up to him or her, so you wait for Brisbane Backpacker Somewhere to Stay early evening where the setting changes to a party atmosphere, where the common room and common areas are a buzz with guest activity and you ask her or him out for a Picnic.
Everybody loves a picnic and there are plenty of prime picnic spots to enjoy in and around Brisbane Backpacker Hostel. Nothing is better on a hot day than having lunch beside cool water, with the majority of our city’s favourite picnic spots being next to the Brisbane River, the choices are endless. But if you don’t want manicured grass and an urban park, then head to a picnic site surrounded by forest, tall trees and views. So spread out the picnic rug, unpack goodies to eat and breathe in the fresh air at some of the top spots around Brisbane Backpacker Hostel Somewhere to Stay.
There are two options here – the top of the cliffs at the Kangaroo Point Park that opened in early 2010 or take the steps down to the picnic and BBQ areas right on the river.
Either way, you’ll have some of the city’s best views of the skyline plus everything you need for a perfect picnic gathering.
If packing a hamper isn’t your thing, then buy your lunch from the Cliffs Café.

Nestled beside the QUT campus and surrounded by the Brisbane River, the Botanic Gardens have changed from their historic beginnings of a zoo and convict garden.
These days, it is a popular spot for large gatherings and wedding photos. Areas can be booked for functions.
There are a few shelters and toilets but no barbecues provided. There isn’t a café on the grounds anymore but you can buy takeaway food from stores along Albert Street, heading up to the Queen Street Mall.
South Bank Parklands
And the best picnic spot is just down the street at South Bank Parklands, with acres and acres of beautiful manicures green gardens with wonderful views of Brisbane City, this is the best place to get to know new friends and life long relationships.